Hebron Evangelical Church is committed to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and ensuring their well-being. Hebron Evangelical Church recognises the importance of its ministry/work with children and young people and adults in need of protection. We recognise our responsibility to protect everyone entrusted to our care.
Our Safeguarding Team here at Hebron Evangelical Church are:

Gail Davison
Safeguarding Lead

Mike Christian
Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Brian Downie
Church Leader responsible for Safeguarding
You can contact us via the church office on 01228 593256 or via the Safeguarding email address safeguarding@hebronec.co.uk
We promise to do all we can to create a safe, happy environment for everyone.
So, if you are:
- Concerned about anyone who volunteers at Hebron Evangelical Church
- Worried that a child or vulnerable person known to us might be the subject of abuse don’t keep your concerns to yourself – please contact us.
To view our current safeguarding policy, CLICK HERE
We are very grateful to all our volunteers at Hebron Evangelical Church. We have a number of marvellous people who give us their time, skills and expertise to enable us to continue our work with children, youth and the wider local community.
The Safeguarding Team have a responsibility to ensure that anyone who represents Hebron Evangelical Church in these roles is carefully selected and trained and supported in that role. All of those who volunteer with us will undertake our Safer Recruitment Policy which can be found within our Safeguarding Policy document. Copies of this are available through the link above or available in the church building.